2023 has been a crazy year, and it’s not even July! Other than influenza and a case of Covid back in January, the insanity has come from a variety of good things.
First off, my husband and I adopted a border collie puppy named Xena. She’s sweet as pie and thinks everyone wants to be her friend. She’s also as destructive as a mini demon and lets her wants be known to one and all. She’s becoming my best buddy, and I’m so glad we got her.
Then there’s the writing…
I haven’t posted much about my writing this year, but trust me, I’ve been working hard. As you can see from the meme, I keep my desk very clean, but there’s not much I can do about the creative chaos in my mind.
So far this year, I’ve started three novels, along with several novellas and short stories. My mind is far from organized, which makes this messy process typical (for me) but also very confusing. I’ve been jumping from project to project without a plan for the past six months. BUT don’t worry readers, I’m nearly at the finish line for my upcoming horror novel, The Veil of Shadows. (More to come about that later.) Also, I’m compiling my serial novel, You Don’t Know Me, into a novel which will be on sale soon.

As you can see, the creative bug has bit me, and I’ve been putting in long hours. I’m so excited about the rest of the year that I don’t even mind that Xena destroyed my office. Again.
If you’re interested in keeping up with my writing journey, sign up for my newsletter.
Also, let me remind you that The Book of Lost Souls is on sale this month (June) for only $.99. It’s also free on KU.