I’m a list maker who likes to have a plan, especially when it comes to what I’ll be reading. Although I do appreciate flexibility, I enjoy setting goals. That’s why I’ve created a chilling reads list of four books that I want to devour this summer. There are a few new titles along with some that have been wasting away on my Kindle. So let’s get started!

The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones
This book is the final chapter of the Indian Lake Trilogy, and I can’t wait to dive in. These books are mostly slasher novels, set around a young woman named Jade and her small, lake town. With these books, you never know who the real enemy is. Jones is a fantastic writer, and I’ve heard him called a literary horror writer due to his in-depth portrayal of Jade. Some descriptions are shocking and meant only for true slasher fans, but the stories are so compelling and twisted that I’m sure I’ll be reading them more than once. If you haven’t tried this series, I highly recommend it.

How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix
Ever since reading The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires, I’ve been a huge Grady Hendrix fan. I often wonder how books that are so dark and dramatic can also be so funny, but somehow Hendrix makes it work. I like to go into books without knowing much about them, so I don’t have an idea of what this one is about. However, having read the author before, I’m sure that I’m in for a thrill. This book definitely belongs on my list of chilling reads.

More Chilling Reads – Hell House by Richard Matheson
I can’t believe that I’ve never read a book by Matheson before, since he has written so much. I am Legend is one of my favorite movies, yet the book sits unopened on my Kindle. That’s why when I saw Hell House at my library, I knew I had to read it. I’m a sucker for haunted house novels set against the backdrop of creepy locations. Add to that a cast of unusual characters, and I know I’m in for a hauntingly good time.

The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling
This author is entirely new to me, but when I saw her book pop up on one of my emails, I knew that I had to read it. I’m not sure if it’s technically horror, but it has been described as ‘haunting’ and a ‘thriller’. As an added bonus, it’s also science fiction, and as you know, I’m a huge sci-fi horror fan. The cover is so compelling, too! I love discovering new authors, and I can’t wait to try this one.
So what does your summer reading list look like? Have you read any of these chilling reads? Let me know in the comments.