I’ve always held to the belief that you can’t be a writer without reading as many books as possible. I learn so much about the craft of writing from reading and studying other authors’ works. And not just the horror writers! That’s why I created my book review page, Coffee Shop Books.
I’ve been reviewing novels on Coffee Shop Books for about five years. I got the inspiration for the name from, you guessed it, writing reviews while working in a coffee shop. Surrounded by people and the white-noise hum of conversation, I enjoy a hot latte while writing my reviews.
Although I write horror, I generally review thrillers and mysteries. I like the fast-paced rhythm of a good thriller. Some of my favorite authors include Ruth Ware, B.A. Paris, and Gillian Flynn. I’m especially fond of novels set in England. I think that’s because I’m an anglophile at heart!
In any case, I enjoy sharing my reading addiction with other reading addicts. On Coffee Shop Books, I don’t review books in order to criticize them. What I really want to do is share my love of certain books with other readers. When I find a book that thrills me, I simply have to tell everyone about it!
Although I do share my reviews on GoodReads, I primarily post on Instagram. (Or, ‘bookstagram’, as book lovers call it.) If you’re interested in reading my reviews, or seeing random pictures of my life, then consider following me on Insta. I’m always interested in sharing new books and book-related conversations with other bibliophiles.
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